ECWF L.I. June 6th and 7th 2015 at Heckscher State Park!!
Heckscher has been on fire this year!!! Here’s clip of Mike Burns warming up in the contest area.
Also get ready for the third annual ECWF Cape Cod!!
LATEST NEWS: The following is the tentative schedule of events for the ECWF LI this weekend.
SATURDAY: Please be on time. We can’t hold up races for the stragglers. That said most folks end up missing a race somewhere anyway and the lowest score will be dropped if we have enough rounds (more than 6).
8:30am - 10:00 am - registration
- 10:00 am - skipper’s meeting
-10:30 am - first possible race start (2 races back to back)
- 11:00 am first possible freetyle round (we may do 2 of these back to back as well)
12:30? lunch (Bring all food and drinks you’ll need for the day)
1:00 - 5:00 more races and freestyle
The only reason we’d keep running a little later is if the wind comes up and EVERYONE wants to keep going OR we weren’t able to get off enough heats to feel comfortable about placing in the finals on Sunday. Basically we need at least 4 races and 3 rounds of freestyle completed on Saturday.
Sunday: The time of the skippers meeting and first start will be announced at the end of Saturday’s festivites. As long as Saturday runs smooth, we should be looking at similar timing on Sunday.
3:30-4:00 pm will start the raffle while scores are being tabulated with awards ceremony to follow. Everything should be wrapped up by 5:00pm the absolute latest. ( I know you’ve got your ferries to catch.)
All timing is subject to change according to wind strength, and what the organizers feel is needed to get a decent result in standings. (Meaning we can’t have 4 guys tied for first, so we’ll need to run more races)
Raffle Prizes are already pouring in from our awesome sponsors. Below is a list of what you can win in the raffle. The only way to get a ticket is to enter a race so sign up today!! Below is a current list of prizes.
Severne: Hats
Starboard: Shirts and water shirts
Chinook: Rack pads, Rack straps, Downhaul crank, Harness lines, long sleeve shirt
NoLimitz: Sumo 430 RDM Mast
Makani Fins: Two $50.00 gift certificates
Ocean Air Sports: 1-$100.00 Gift certificate. 1- gift certificate for any chinook aluminum extension. 1- Ocean Air Sports “Team gift Pack” (lots and lots of cool stuff in the gift pack!)
I-windsurf: free 1-year subscription